We will be sanitising everything except the sound!
Now that we have spent months at home we’ve used that time to understand COVID 19 better and put preventive steps in place to contain it’s spread in our workplaces.
Now along with great sound you can count on great sanitisation as well.
Understand the Virus then Understand the protocols to be followed in Octavius.
Please do not mess with COVID19. How does the virus spread?
When a COVID-19 infected person coughs/sneezes they release droplets of infected fluid via the air they exhale. Most fall on nearby surfaces and objects, such as desks, tables or telephones. When you unknowingly touch the contaminated surfaces or objects, and then touch your eyes, nose, or mouth you too can get infected. (WHO, 2020)
How we shall help you stay safe when you work at Octavius.
1. By maintaining a small number of people in any one place.
Please co-operate with us to enforce social distancing measures.
A. We shall have 1 engineer per studio, 1 peon per studio, and not more than 2 persons in a client group (in each studio) besides the musician/recording artist. According to Maharashtra State guidelines each location must operate with not more than 10% of its employees.
B. We shall not permit more than 4 persons at any given time in the lounge area. Keep a minimum distance of 1 meter between people.
C. In all dubbing rooms not more than one person will be recording at a time.
2. Sound Equipment:
Each individual will have an assigned pop filter. It will not be used by anyone else on that day. You may bring your own or ask for one. At the end of the shift, all used pop filters shall be cleaned. This will be done using soapy water + sanitizer (soak for a minute) and then drying. All headphones, mike stands, and other equipment will be wiped down with sanitizer after use.
For those using our dubbing rooms: There will be a 1 hour gap between any two bookings. There will be a 10 minute gap between voice overs and singers.
3. All surfaces will be wiped down or sprayed with disinfectant regularly.
A. All: These include tables, desks, mixers, sofas, chairs, door handles, keyboard surfaces, toilet seats. Delivery meal packaging too will be wiped down before entering the premises.
B. Regularly: Before and after eating, before a client comes in, as soon as a group leaves a waiting room/studio/washroom, at the end of every session.
C. Soap dispensers, paper towels are made available in washrooms. Hand sanitisers have been placed in every room.
4. Contact details (telephone number, email, address) of all visiting clients will be maintained for up to a month after a booking.This is to ensure that contact tracing can be done in case anyone becomes ill with a suspected infectious disease (as per advice of WHO). “Their details will be shared with local public health authorities if any participant becomes ill with a suspected infectious disease.” (WHO).
Please co-operate with us to help reduce the risk of carriers spreading COVID-19 by following the protocols.
1. Please take a minute to look at the informative posters on display all over the studio.
2. For employees travelling by bike - ensure that the bike handles and seats are sanitized before and after use. For employees using public transport - Wear 2 masks and glasses if possible, wear gloves and carry hand sanitizer, maintain a 1 meter radius of distancing around you. Be aware of people coughing/sneezing around. If possible, wear a raincoat to travel that can be removed before entering the premises. (A raincoat will work as a hazmat suit).
3. BEFORE ENTERING the premises, all employees and clients must permit themselves to be screened for body temperature. A temperature >38℃ is a fever and all who have a fever shall be asked to return home, self-isolate, and watch for symptoms.
4. After screening, all must sanitize their hands before using door handles. Hand sanitizer dispensers have been kept at all entry points and refilled regularly.
5. ALL belongings including bags, books, phones to be placed in the basket/tray provided at the entrance and sprayed/wiped down with disinfectant. (Please follow the instructions of our employees).
6. Every person is required to use a mask. A box of disposable surgical masks has been kept at the door for use in case you come without one. Please see the poster for correct usage of masks.
7. Inside the studio please use wash basins and soap dispensers. Hand wash with soap and water regularly. There are NO HAND TOWELS only tissue rolls.
8. Maintain respiratory hygiene: All should cover their face with the bend of their elbow or a tissue if they cough or sneeze. If you notice anyone in the studio sneeze or cough please inform the front office. Please see the informative posters on display.
9. DISPOSE of USED TISSUE IN CLOSED BINS, and sanitise hands immediately. There are tissue boxes along with closed bins available in each room in case a member of staff/client develops a runny nose.
10. Please use paper plates, cups and disposable cutlery provided for all meals in the waiting rooms.
11. Distanced sitting spots are marked in the lounge/waiting room. Please observe these. Maintain safe distance even while standing.
12. Clients and their employees with “even a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 C or more) need to stay home.” Also If they have had to take simple medications, such as paracetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, which may mask symptoms of infection” they should opt to stay home/work from home (WHO).
13. NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. This includes the use of e-cigarettes/vaping etc.
14. SAFETYNETTING - making everyone aware of what to do, if….
If an employee experiences mild symptoms (dry/continuous cough, fever, body ache, tiredness (that is more than usual)), they should stay home and monitor themselves. If you suspect that you have COVID-19, stay calm, self-isolate, and call your doctor.
If you develop even a mild cough or low-grade fever (i.e. a temperature of 37.3 C or more), you should stay at home and self-isolate. This means avoiding close contact (less than 1 meter) with other people, including family members, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. If one person in a household is self- isolating, the entire household should quarantine. “They should also call their health care provider or the local public health department, giving them details of their recent travel and symptoms” (WHO).
If there has been a suspected COVID-19 case in any of the studios, all who were present on recent days that the concerned individual was present, will be informed and advised to monitor themselves for symptoms for 14 days, taking their temperature twice daily.
ALL protocols will stay in place as long as COVID-19 is endemic to the area.
Your safety is of utmost importance to us. We want you to go home to your loved ones without carrying any Virus with you.
And yes, we are fully equipped to cater to your online needs in sound mixing and editing, something that we have already been doing! So send in your files, voice recordings and we will take it from there.
Our buzzwords – Safe & Secure! It is a matter of pride that for 27 years we maintained confidentiality and assured you privacy for your projects and your clients too. This is something we will never compromise. On request, we will give you a secure email address to which you can email your projects.
Do call us on 9820757614; 02226553824; 02226553509 and we will be happy to help you with your bookings.
So, along with great sound at OCTAVIUS you can count on great sanitisation as well!
OCTAVIUS a brand you can trust!
June, 2021